BKFactory Blog


워드프레스 젯팩 플러그인이 9.0.1 로 업데이트가 되었습니다.

젯팩 9.0.1 업데이트 내역은 아래와 같습니다.


주요 개선사항

Publicize: add the ability to publish the entire content of posts to Twitter as threads.


Blocks: update icon color for all blocks provided by Jetpack.
Custom CSS: add support for the clip-path property.
Custom CSS: add rebeccapurple color to the list of colors that can be processed by the SCSS and LESS preprocessors.
Dashboard: clarify Backup & Scan settings and alerts.
Dashboard: improve the reconnecting process for site owners willing to disconnect and then reconnect Jetpack to WordPress.com.
Dashboard: do not display option to purchase a plan when in Offline mode.
Embeds: add Loom.com as a new embed option.
Embeds: update song.link oEmbed to support more formats.
Embeds: allow Instagram embeds to keep working via the WordPress.com REST API.
Google Analytics: move the legacy variant from the HTML body to head.
Instant Search: optimize images displayed in Search results thanks to Jetpack’s Image CDN.
Instant Search: improve layout of search results on mobile devices.
Instant Search: trigger the search overlay upon typing into the search input.
Pay with PayPal Block: display more helpful content in subscription emails.
OpenTable Block: display wide style widget as standard on mobile.
Site Health: add new test for testing blog and current user’s token health.
Site Health: refine information shared when using the “Copy site info to clipboard” button.
Site Health: offer more information and help in failing tests.
Slideshow Block: remove the default background color.
Synchronization: improve performance of synchronization of term changes.

호환성이 개선되었습니다

Autoloader: add support for non-optimized PSR-4 namespace loading.
Autoloader: add PSR-0 support.
Autoloader: add handling for filtered active_plugins options that would otherwise have left classes out.
Contact Form: add more integration settings for a better compatibility with Jetpack CRM.
Contact Form: ensure that forms are displayed correctly in legacy AMP Reader views.
Dashboard: remove plugin autoupdate settings from the dashboard now that WordPress itself handles this feature.
Embeds: ensure that Instagram and Facebook embeds are always available, to avoid breaking embeds on existing posts.
Embeds: solve PHP 8 compatibility issues with Crowdsignal embeds.
EventBrite Block: ensure full compatibility with the AMP plugin.
Google Calendar Block: ensure full compatibility with the AMP plugin.
Image Compare Block: improve display on AMP views.
Infinite Scroll: ensure Infinite Scroll works on AMP views as well for the Twenty Nineteen and Twenty Twenty themes.
Infinite Scroll: add tools allowing theme authors to implement Infinite Scroll on AMP views in their own theme.
Pinterest Block: ensure full compatibility with the AMP plugin.
Security Scanning: avoid validation issues when using the AMP plugin and when notified of a security threat on your site.
Slideshow Block: ensure images are displayed properly when using the Swell theme.
Synchronization: ensure review comments are properly synchronized with WordPress.com.
Twitter Threads Block: add support for unrolling threads when Gutenberg 8.8+ is activated.
WordPress.com REST API: improved PHP 8.0 support.

버그 수정

Activity Log: avoid potential duplicate entries.
Beautiful Math: resolve incorrectly rendered LaTeX images cached during a server migration.
Connection Flow: resolve conflicts where “staging” connection errors were wrongly detected for some sites.
Copy Post: ensure categories can be copied properly on sites using an old database schema.
Donations / Payments: fix link to WordPress.com on sites where WordPress is installed in a subdirectory.
Image CDN: ensure Wikimedia-hosted images are correctly handled by the CDN.
Infinity Scroll: remove the loading spinner when loading an extra set of posts and receiving an empty response.
Stats: do not track visits when site is in staging mode.
Synchronization: ensure theme information is correctly synchronized with WordPress.com.
WordPress.com Block Editor: ensure that “Code Editor” menu item is available on mobile devices.
WordPress.com REST API: improve messaging when uploading a media file via the API fails.

젯팩 9.0의 주요 기능 추가는 페이스북 및 트위터 등 SNS 관련 부분으로 보여집니다.


10월 24일부로 그동안 페이스북과 인스타그램의 oEmbed API가 종료됨에 따른 부분에 대한 수정과 트위터에 연동하는 부분이 변동이 되었네요.

그외 개선 및 버그가 수정되었습니다.


버전이 9.0 대로 올라간 만큼 지속적인 버그수정 판올림이 진행될 것으로 보여집니다.
8.9 마지막 버전을 이용하시는 분들은 10월 24일 전까지 업데이트를 적용하면 될 듯 합니다.


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