BKFactory Blog

워드프레스 젯팩 플러그인이 9.0.2에서 바로 9.1로 업데이트가 되었습니다.


젯팩 플러그인 9.1 업데이트 내역은 아래와 같습니다.

* Release date: November 10, 2020
* Release post: https://wp.me/p1moTy-s0E


* Button Block: add a center alignment option to all Jetpack button blocks.
* Content Options: add new filter to allow theme and plugin authors to disable featured image removal for their Custom Post Types.
* Dashboard: improve the display of dates in the Jetpack Plan screen and in the Stats graph.
* Dashboard: improve the display of numbers in all languages.
* Donations Block: improve the display of the block outside WordPress (in subscription emails, for example).
* Embeds: update Loom logo.
* External Media: add feature to the Cover block.
* Google Calendar Block: improve the display of the block in the editor.
* Image Compare Block: accessibility improvements.
* Instant Search: improve accessibility of the Search modal.
* Likes: remove jQuery dependency where possible.
* Pay with PayPal Block: improve the styling of the buttons in subscription emails.
* Pay with PayPal Block: improve the display of currencies.
* Podcast Player Block: add option to hide the episode title.
* Podcast Player Block: display more helpful error messages when a podcast cannot be embedded.
* Publicize: improve the usability of the Twitter thread options.
* REST API: support needed capabilities in Jetpack REST API endpoints that allow site based authentication.
* Social Menu & Social Media Icons: add support for Telegram profiles.
* Synchronization: improve reliability of synchronization of theme changes.
* WhatsApp Block: add option to change the alignment of the button.
* Widget Visibility: improve performance on sites with a large number of pages.
* WordPress.com Block Editor: add option to add metadata to a post indicating the last editor used.
* WordPress.com REST API: remove outdated code that allowed non-secure requests to the API, as such requests are no longer accepted.

**Improved compatibility**

* Comments: avoid AMP validation errors when using Jetpack's Comments feature and the AMP plugin.
* Dashboard: better support all states available when using one of Jetpack's Security solutions.
* Embeds: improve compatibility between Jetpack's Instagram embed and WordPress' own embed.
* Embeds: ensure Facebook Embeds work well with the AMP plugin.
* External Media: update iconography and improve forward compatibility.
* General: better detect local development environments.
* Google Analytics: add support for the AMP plugin to track WooCommerce events.
* OpenTable Block: ensure full compatibility with the AMP plugin.
* Pay with PayPal Block: ensure full compatibility with the AMP plugin.
* Sharing: add support for the Google Web Stories plugin.
* Slideshow Block: ensure that the block can be displayed using the Full Width alignment setting when using the Gutenberg plugin.
* Widget Visibility: avoid performance impact it may have on the block editor when used with the Gutenberg plugin.
* YouTube embeds: ensure that all YouTube video embeds work well when using the AMP plugin.

**Bug fixes**

* Calendly and Eventbrite Blocks: fix layout issue when selecting block styles in the editor.
* Contact Form: selection widgets, radio buttons, and checkboxes can now use commas, brackets, and backslashes in the labels and values without breaking the form.
* Donations / Payments Block: fix visual bug in Stripe connection banner.
* Embeds: ensure Facebook videos are centered properly with the Twenty Twenty theme.
* Google Analytics: support updated Google Analytics 4 properties.
* Image CDN: the CDN will now ignore attempts to specify percentages for width or height in an image tag.
* Infinite Scroll: ensure the number of posts loaded when using Infinite Scroll respects posts per page settings.
* Latest Instagram Posts Block: avoid PHP warning when no images can be retrieved from Instagram.
* Lazy Images: attempt to load all images when printing a post, and inform the user when printing if images haven't been loaded.
* Pay with PayPal Block: add default price value.
* Pay with PayPal Block: ensure currencies are displayed properly in the editor.
* Protect: fix handling of IPv6 addresses.
* Publicize: ensure that custom messages can be saved when using the Portfolio Custom Post Type.
* Publicize: ensure that tweets consisting only of whitespace aren't added to Twitter threads.
* Publicize: when generating Twitter threads, allow text to be split at line breaks where appropriate.
* Security / Contact Form: add additional checks before checking submitted forms for spam.
* Security / WordPress.com REST API: improve authentication checks when making proxied requests to a site's API endpoints.
* Slideshow Block: fix a bug that prevented the first and last images from displaying when the slideshow loops.
* Stats: no longer incorrectly report a term ID as a post ID in some rare cases.
* Videos: ensure Jetpack videos use the correct aspect ratio in both the editor and the frontend, even when used within column blocks.
* WhatsApp Block: fix issue when the text color would not be correct.

젯팩 플러그인이 9.X 버전으로 업데이트가 되면서 SNS 관련 부분에 많은 기능이 업데이트가 되었습니다.
9.1 버전으로 올라가면서 많은 버그들이 수정이 된 것으로 보여집니다.
젯팩 플러그인을 사용하고 있다면 바로 업데이트를 적용하는 것을 추천합니다.


젯팩 플러그인은 워드프레스 초보자들에게 추천하는 플러그인입니다.
젯팩 플러그인에서 지원하는 기능들은 별도의 플러그인으로 구성을 할 수 있습니다만 여러 개의 플러그인을 이 젯팩 플러그인 하나로 대체하는 효과를 볼 수 있습니다.
다만 개별적인 플러그인에 비해 상세 설정 및 디테일한 부분이 떨어질 수는 있습니다만 그 정도까지 필요한 분들이라면 이미 워드프레스 초보자가 아니지 않을까 하는 생각이 듭니다.

개인적으로 젯팩 플러그인은 추천 대상 플러그인 입니다.


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