BKFactory Blog

워드프레스 젯팩 플러그인이 9.1에서 바로 9.2로 업데이트가 되었습니다.
젯팩 플러그인 9.2 업데이트 내역은 아래와 같습니다.

Release date: December 1, 2020
Release post: https://wp.me/p1moTy-scn


Connection Flow: clarify error message when the options table is not writable.
Contact Form Block: display fallback link when the block is rendered in non-WordPress contexts, such as subscription emails.
Contact Form Block: display the correct default email address and subject in the form block settings.
Dashboard: clarify language around support options.
Dashboard: replace /plans and /plans-prompt routes with a redirect to cloud.jetpack.com/pricing.
Instagram Embeds: add support for embed parameters supported by Instagram.
Payments Block: move unreadable notice to the sidebar.
Pinterest Block: ensure that Pinterest embeds are displayed nicely in non-WordPress contexts, such as subscription emails.
Podcast Block: display fallback link when the block is rendered in non-WordPress contexts, such as RSS feeds.
Search: improve URL formatting for the expanded search layout.
Sharing: ensure the first suitable image found in a post is always the one used in Open Graph Image meta tags.
Site Health Tools: update description of Synchronization issues for better usability.
Slideshow Block: ensure that slideshows are displayed nicely in subscription emails.
Status: improve detection of staging servers.
Story Block: improve display of the block.
Synchronization: improve synchronization of comment status, taxononmies, and terms between your site and WordPress.com.
Tiled Gallery Block: improve rendering when the block is rendered in non-WordPress contexts, such as subscription emails.
WhatsApp button Block: improve text alignment on mobile devices.
WordPress.com Toolbar: include admin color in user’s REST API output.

호환성 개선

Autoloader: support Composer 2.0.7.
General: continued work towards ensuring that Jetpack is fully compatible with the upcoming version of PHP, PHP 8.
General: ensure Jetpack’s full compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6 release.
General: update Jetpack’s minimum required WordPress version to 5.5, in anticipation of the upcoming WordPress 5.6 release.
Sharing: disable Open Graph Meta tags added by the Web Stories plugin when Jetpack’s tags are active.
Stats: support Web Stories plugin.
Synchronization: ensure better synchronization of post meta data (used by Publicize, Subscriptions, Search) in WordPress 5.6.
Twenty Twenty-One: ensure that Jetpack’s features are compatible with the upcoming new default theme

버그 수정

Connection: handle XMLRPC requests when SERVER_PORT is not defined.
External Media: fix a conflict with CoBlock’s image replace feature.
Dashboard: fix incorrect links to Jetpack credentials form.
Google Analytics: ensure compatibility with Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
Sitemaps: ensure that the Home URL is slashed on subdirectory websites.
Social Icons widget: display only one icon when a URL matches both a domain and the feed URL match.
Sync: avoid trying to sync when something else disabled syncing a request.
Whatsapp Button Block: fix Guyana country code metadata.
WordPress.com REST API: restore post comments when untrashing a post, such as via the mobile apps.

젯팩 플러그인 9.2에서는 앞으로 배포가 될 워드프레스 5.6에 대한 호환성 관련 업데이트도 포함이 되어 있습니다.
GA4 (Google Analytics 4)에 대한 관련 버그도 수정이 되었다고 합니다.
젯팩 플러그인으로 GA 링크 삽입을 대체하고 있다면 바로 업데이트를 적용하는 것이 좋을 듯 합니다.


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