Elegant Themes의 Divi 테마 4.4.9 업데이트가 배포되었습니다.
업데이트 세부 사항은 아래와 같습니다.
- Fixed conflict "Use Current Page" option with "Product Category" view type in Shop Module.
- In order to increase the rating of page loading speed and to eliminate the warning from Lighthouse "Ensure text remains visible during webfont loading", the directive font-display has been added to css rules@font-face (for the Divi fonts and for Opens Sans fonts, which loading from googleapis.com).
- Fixed an issue that caused the color picker of 3rd party plugins to not be visible in some cases.
- Fixed background images from Smush CDN is not saved in the static resources.
- Fixed bug with using Fullwidth slider below theme builder global header with negative margin.
- Fixed accordion editable text on Visual Builder when Section/Row is locked.
- Introduces custom fields registration for 3rd party extensions and ability to disable context menu on these fields.
- Fixed bug with video height in slider.
- Improved UX for the Layers in Layers panel that doesn't have respective plugin activated.
- Fixed video module can't be played when overlay is being used and lazyload for iframe is enabled on Smush plugin.
- Disabled stripping the [embed] shortcode on the frontend, which was added via Custom Fields by Dynamic Content feature to the content area.
- Fixed bug with video positioning inside the slider.
- Fixed full width slider editable text when module or section is set to locked.
- Fixed gallery module background parallax issue on the Front-End.
- Fixed the appearance of php-warnings when using the Contact Form module that has a layout with the hover mode enabled for Fields Letter Spacing with the same 0px value for both.
- Fixed inner width styling option for Speciality Section when used in a Product Page.
- Fixed bug with play icon color when multiple sliders are added to the page.
- Fixed bug with module gradient background applied on top of a row which has a video background set.
- Fixed an issue that caused the looping animations to be removed from elements.
- Added title attribute to Theme Builder's vertical menu items.
- Added selective sync options on transforms settings.
- Updated Layers panel to not allow ESC key to close it.
- Avoid transforms on click mode when a module is selected but not when settings modal is open.
- Fixed The Event Calendar Event Community compatibility issue when TB overrides the layouts.
- Fixed bug with settings modal when visual builder is disabled.
- Fixed bug with dynamic categories when they are added to a post via Divi library.
- Fixed animations for sections that are located right after the fullscreen header.
- Added auto-function when rendering content in Woo Tab modules.
- Fixed bug with positioning in visual builder when vh unit is used.
- Fixed adding modules/rows to locked sections when interaction mode is set to "Click Mode".
- Fixed Email Optin subscription fail error.
- Changed row right/left draggable margin behaviour when right/left margin is set to auto.
- Changed module right/left draggable margin behaviour when right/left margin is empty.
- Fixed a bug in Layers panel to allow Multi-select to work properly.
- Fixed issue with un-clickable buttons in Full-Width Header in some cases.
- Fixed bug with Admin Label control icons.
- Fixed a styling issue when section/row was set to Locked and Interaction mode was set to "Click Mode".
- Fixed image inner shadow styling for Blog module.
- Fixed incorrect Contact Form module captcha input autocomplete attribute value.
- Fixed an issue with wpautop not getting properly applied in Code module in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug that prevented user from moving sections if Split Testing option was off in Divi Role Editor.
- Fixed failing intentional-error test because Divi loads another product's core.
- Fixed bug with reset field options in Contact Form module.
- Fixed bug with a search results page that has a custom post type posts with the visual builder enabled.
- Fixed bug with background-repeat when button background color on hover is set in Customizer.
* core/components/data/Utils.php
* core/cypress.json
* core/ui/components/controls/sortable-list/sortable-list.jsx
* functions.php
* includes/builder/api/DiviExtension.php
* includes/builder/autoload.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/BlockEditorIntegration.php
* includes/builder/feature/I18n.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/feature/woocommerce-modules.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/i18n/generic.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/i18n/library.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/i18n/quick-actions.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Accordion.php
* includes/builder/module/AccordionItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Audio.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCounters.php
* includes/builder/module/BarCountersItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/CircleCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Code.php
* includes/builder/module/Comments.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/builder/module/CountdownTimer.php
* includes/builder/module/Cta.php
* includes/builder/module/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthCode.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthImage.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMap.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/Login.php
* includes/builder/module/Map.php
* includes/builder/module/MapItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Menu.php
* includes/builder/module/NumberCounter.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/PostTitle.php
* includes/builder/module/PostsNavigation.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTables.php
* includes/builder/module/PricingTablesItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Search.php
* includes/builder/module/Shop.php
* includes/builder/module/Sidebar.php
* includes/builder/module/Signup.php
* includes/builder/module/SignupItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Slider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollow.php
* includes/builder/module/SocialMediaFollowItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Tabs.php
* includes/builder/module/TabsItem.php
* includes/builder/module/TeamMember.php
* includes/builder/module/Testimonial.php
* includes/builder/module/Text.php
* includes/builder/module/Toggle.php
* includes/builder/module/Video.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/VideoSliderItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/BoxShadow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Height.php
* includes/builder/module/field/MaxWidth.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Overflow.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Position.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Scroll.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Transform.php
* includes/builder/module/type/PostContent.php
* includes/builder/module/type/WithSpamProtection.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/AddToCart.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/AdditionalInfo.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Breadcrumb.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/CartNotice.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Description.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Gallery.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Images.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Meta.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Price.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Rating.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/RelatedProducts.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Reviews.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Stock.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Tabs.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Title.php
* includes/builder/module/woocommerce/Upsells.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/advanced-custom-fields.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/the-events-calendar-community-events.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/wp-smushit.php
* includes/builder/post/type/Layout.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts.js
* includes/builder/tests/codeception/wpunit/Translations.php
버그 픽스가 주를 이루는 만큼 Divi 테마를 이용하는 분들은 빠른 적용을 하기 바랍니다.
다음 버전이 4.5입니다.
무언가 기능이 추가될지 기대를 해보겠습니다.
Divi 테마의 업데이트 내용은 테마 폴더 내의 changelog.txt 에서 확인 할 수 있습니다.
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