BKFactory Blog

Elegant Theme의 Divi 테마의 4.6.4 업데이트가 배포되었습니다.

업데이트 세부사항은 아래와 같습니다.


version 4.6.4 ( updated 09-24-2020 )
- Product ordering issue fixed in the Shop module.
- Fixed the Button background color Sticky state not being properly applied.
- Fixed CSS string value auto turn into 0auto.
- Fixed stuttering sticky element on sticky section at theme builder header due to image that affects section height, slow connection, and disabled cache.
- Fixed sticky background gradient and image not working in Section.
- Fixed default WordPress lazy load feature not working properly with images in Divi Builder modules.
- Fixed the Button background color Sticky state not being properly applied.
- Fixed the issue with downloading a backup of Divi Theme Options.
	* core/admin/js/portability.js
	* epanel/custom_functions.php
	* includes/builder/api/rest/BlockLayout.php
	* includes/builder/autoload.php
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/core.php
	* includes/builder/feature/AjaxCache.php
	* includes/builder/feature/BlockEditorIntegration.php
	* includes/builder/feature/ClassicEditor.php
	* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
	* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
	* includes/builder/module/FullwidthHeader.php
	* includes/builder/module/FullwidthImage.php
	* includes/builder/module/FullwidthMenu.php
	* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
	* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostTitle.php
	* includes/builder/module/Gallery.php
	* includes/builder/module/Image.php
	* includes/builder/module/Menu.php
	* includes/builder/module/PostTitle.php
	* includes/builder/module/Shop.php
	* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
	* includes/builder/module/TeamMember.php
	* includes/builder/module/field/TextShadow.php
	* includes/builder/module/helpers/ResponsiveOptions.php
	* includes/builder/module/helpers/StickyOptions.php
	* includes/builder/module/helpers/class-et-builder-module-helper-media.php
	* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/sticky-element.js

Divi 테마 4.6 버전에 추가된 Sticky 기능에 대한 버그 수정과 Shop 모듈의 주문 관련 버그 수정 그리고 워드프레스 5.5에 추가된 Lazy Load 기능 관련 버그가 수정되었습니다.


Divi 테마를 이용해서 웹사이트를 제작한 경우라면 바로 업데이트를 적용하기 바랍니다.


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