BKFactory Blog

Elegant Theme의 Divi 테마의 4.7.2 업데이트가 배포되었습니다.

업데이트 세부사항은 아래와 같습니다.

version 4.7.2 ( updated 11-18-2020 )
- Fixed an issue in Responsive View Modes where tooltips could be positioned incorrectly after scrolling to the top of the page.
- Fixed issue where select gradient color start and end buttons don't work on background options.
- Fixed an issue in Visual Builder's responsive views where the right-click menu positioned would not adjust to match page scroll.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong icon would be displayed in some cases with RTL.
- Fixed custom fields not populated after adding a new account in Email Optin module.
- Fixed sticky not working in global modules.
- Fixed an issue where modifying dimensions in Responsive Views would reset to the Desktop View mode.
- Fixed the incorrect Custom Fields options order.
- Fixed a typo in a legacy slider code.
- Fixed ActiveCampaign general fields not shown in the custom field option.
	* core/components/api/email/ActiveCampaign.php
	* epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js
	* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
	* includes/builder/core.php
	* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js

Divi 테마 4.7.1을 배포한지 2일만에 4.7.2가 배포되었습니다.

4.7.1도 버그 수정, 4.7.2도 버그 수정입니다.


Divi 테마를 이용해 웹사이트 및 블로그를 제작한 경우 노출되는 업데이트 알림 확인하셔서 적용하기 바랍니다.


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